Christmas Eve Service 2024
Ministry Partners
Donations can be made through the offering bins, at the welcome desk, or online (Christmas Missions)
BackPack Love: Provides weekly backpacks full of food that feed local children and their food insecure families.
Good News at Noon: Provides a transformational program through food, education, and worship as well as feeds local homeless 2x a day.
Clarkston Refugee Missions: Supports multiple ministries that offer Christian outreach, as well as equip and support refugees in resettlement.
Nicaragua: Equipping and supporting pastors and their congregations to reach others through evangelism, church planting, and serving physical needs in their communities.
Albania: Supporting our partners here helps to spread the Gospel in Albania, a predominantly Muslim country with evangelical Christians making up less than 1% of the population.
Atlanta Mission: Restoring the homeless and offering addiction recovery through food, shelter, education, and counseling.
FaithBridge: Foster care and adoption ministry that provides hope and healing for foster children in Georgia.