Celebration Kids
Raising confident children and youth to be passionate followers of Christ, who desire to make an impact for the kingdom of God.
SUNDAYS at 9 and 11 AM
Babies - PreK
A high-energy Sunday morning service experience! CK combines a large group interactive environment for contemporary worship, prayer, games, and Bible lessons with grade-based small groups for activities, life application, discussion and more!
SUNDAYS at 9 and 11 AM
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
A high-energy Sunday morning service experience! CK combines a large group interactive environment for contemporary worship, prayer, games, and Bible lessons with grade-based small groups for activities, life application, discussion and more!
Parent Resource Center
We’re here to help you understand what your child needs at each age and stage of their childhood. Stop by our Parent Resource Center in the lobby of our Children’s Building!
Kids need to know HOW it matters before it WILL matter. Each month we focus on a “life app”, a practical application of truth that helps kids win at every phase in their everyday lives. We connect Bible lessons and God’s amazing word to a kid’s real world. By focusing on relationship building, and by creating a safe, inviting, engaging and loving environment, they can learn what it looks like when someone reflects God’s image and follows Jesus.
WEDNESDAYS 6:30 - 8:00 PM
K - 5th Grade
We love Wednesdays! Weekly Bible Memory Verses, Games, Mission Projects, Lessons, Small Groups, Crafts, Surprise Station, SPARK store, theme nights, special events and lots more! It all begins with a...SPARK!
Our Celebration Shapes Futures
Raising children & youth to confidently follow Christ
Baby Dedication
It’s exciting and joyful when a new baby arrives in a family! We’d love to celebrate with you as you commit to raise your child to follow Jesus Christ.
Deciding to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior is a monumental decision. We want to celebrate with your child as they go through the waters of baptism and make a public profession of faith. More than that, we want to come alongside you and your child as they begin to have questions about faith and baptism.
Promotion Sunday
Moving up to a new grade can be super exciting, and maybe a little scary sometimes! We’re here to celebrate this big day each August as we introduce kids to new small group leaders, classrooms and all of the great things that come with moving up!
5th Grade Graduation
How do we celebrate our rising middle schoolers? With a “Youth Takeover” Sunday, of course! Our middle school and high school students take over CK for the morning as we celebrate each 5th grader and graduate them in style!